Monday, July 13, 2009

jumping right in...

"Wow, honey," my mom exclaimed as she pulled out of our subdivision and drove to my carpool buddy's house, "I'm taking you to your third first day of school!"

It's true. My first day of class at grad school. Mom had taken me to my first day of school as a kindergartner, as a college student, and now as an MDiv student. I guess I'm just a momma's boy.

It's July 13th, and I'm in school. This is my first taste of summer education, as I dive into a six-week intensive Greek course to prepare myself for a semester full of theological learning. It's a ton of work, but it's actually rather exciting. I really enjoy learning the "guts" of a new language, especially the language of God's self-revelation. It's stimulating my brain and occupying the majority of my time.

Kenosha is treating me well, especially the lake. Lake Michigan is beautiful and majestic, with ocean-like character. We sailed on Saturday with some friends, and I was struck with Psalm 36's description of God's judgments: "like the great deep." Praise God for his wide, unknowable mysteries revealed in the person of his Son.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Congrats on starting man! Eager to hear how your first classes go!