Friday, June 6, 2008

a brief update

Please forgive my lack of blogging the past month. Computer problems and the intensified busyness of a school year wrapping up has limited my blog life a little. However, I wanted to update a little of what's been going on and what's currently going on in our life down here.

A Decision: First of all, I've officially made the decision to stay in Mexico for another year. A lot of factors went into this decision, but the most important one is the "incomplete" feeling I had in my gut about leaving. I miss my family and friends a ton, but I don't believe that this season of my life is quite over yet. Mexico still has some lessons to teach me about the Kingdom, especially through the church I'm a part of here. That, and I'm really enjoying life here. Being a part of the community of the Body of Christ, however different it may be from my expectations and tastes, is causing me to grow and learn in my relationship with Christ our Head and his Body. For this, I am very thankful to God for the opportunity he has given me to be here.

Some Visitors: Two weeks ago, we had the joy of receiving several JBU friends as visitors here in Parral. Mark Dawson, Ryan Likes, Micah DeKorne, and Emily Pritz came down and spent a week romping around Parral with us, and we had a wonderful time of fellowship together. Then, with the arrival of a few beloved JBU Latinos (recent graduates Ruben Estrada, Pepe Lopez, and Parral native Isaac Gonzalez), our party was complete. The American boys are all living in community in Denver in an ethnically diverse neighborhood and are a part of a house church movement that is bringing the life of Jesus to Denver. Having the boys camp out in our living room for a week brought back treasured memories of dorm life in J. Alvin - organized disorder, using the bathroom all at the same time, sleeping in close proximity, and late night discussions filled with laughter that probably woke our poor neighbors multiple times. We climbed "the Molar" rock that juts out of Parral's landscape, ate and worshiped together on top of Antenna Hill, and ate delicious Independencia Street gorditas on top of our apartment roof.

I have tried about 4 times to download some pictures from our dear friends' visit, but I have been unsuccessful. Perhaps sometime when I'm home this summer I'll get some up.

Summer Plans: Speaking of being home this summer, I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be heading back to the States for three weeks in July. We're flying out of El Paso on the 2nd of July and heading back on the 24th. I'll be in Kenosha for most of that time, but I will be in Joplin (and possibly Northwest Arkansas) for about 10 days. Just for your information!

New Apartment Search (a little prayer requested!): Also, David and I have to find a new apartment pretty darn fast, because our housemate is getting married and our lease is up in July. So, help us pray that the Lord puts us where he desires. We really want to continuously pursue the Kingdom, wherever we are.


Janiece said...

Thanks for the well-written summary. Time indeed does fly. We are anxious (this is an understatement) to see you again SOON...!!! C O M E H O M E.


KE? said...

I am so glad you will be coming back!!
We miss you already.
Enjoy being home... and come home soon!